Saturday, September 15, 2007

Time fun when you're having flies

Wow, it's hard to believe that I have not posted since the 1st. Where does the time go? Well it's pretty simple on my part. Guild Wars, it's evil.. eeeviiilll.

As I posted last time, GW:EOTN (Eye of the North) was released in the last weekend of August. Well, it added a ton of new content for high level characters (lvl 20). My son and I have been hard core playing for the last couple of weeks. And, it doesn't help that the weekend after they released it, they had a triple experience weekend. 0.o So what do we do? We start up 3 new characters of different classes to get them up to lvl 20 so we can get them to Eye of the North. Well, one assassin at 15, A paragon at 10, a new Dervish at 10, 2 Rangers (one at 19, the other at 15) and my time is pretty much full.

Between Guild Wars, reading and my new friend eBay, I really have spread myself out thin lol. If you see me, say "hey" :)


Guen and me said...

Hey!!! :) How come you never comment on my blog? :)

Unknown said...

John .. my dear dear friend .. you are truly .. a geek!! LMFAO!!! Call us and take care.
